ThePlasmas - NES Cult Armageddon [2009]
Artist: ThePlasmas
Album: NES Cult Armageddon
Year: 2009
Country: Valparaiso, Chile
Genre: Video Game Metal, Instrumental, Experimental
Web: MySpace
1. In Lalivero The Cult Begins (Golden Sun)
2. Troubles In Abel City (Mega Man X1, X2, X3)
3. Ice Climbers (Ice Climbers)
4. Metal Gear (Metal Gear)
5. Zero Against Neo Arcadia (Mega Man Zero 1, 2, 3, 4)
6. Kid Icarus (Kid Icarus)
7. King Bowser's Evil Castle (Yoshi's Island, SMW, SMB3)
8. Cult At The Millenarian Fair (Chrono Trigger)
9. Simon's Quest (Castlevania 1, 2)
10. Adventure Island (Adventure Island)
11. The Ultimate Team (Battletoads & Double Dragon TUT)
12. Sonic The Blue Hedgehog (Sonic)
13. Demon's Crest (Demon's Crest)
14. The Legend Of Zelda (Zelda 1, 2, A Link to the past)
15. Te (GRIND) Tris (Tetris)
16. K.O.N.G. (Donkey Kong Country)
17. Finally The Cult Is EarthBound (EarthBound TWAG)
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