MegaDriver - MetalHog [2008]

Artist: MegaDriver
Album: MetalHog
Year: 2008
Country: São Paulo, Brasil
Genre: Video Game Metal, Instrumental
Web: MySpace
1. Intro (Sonic 1)
2. Greenhill (Sonic 1)
3. Emerald Hill (Sonic 2)
4. Chemical Plant (Sonic 2)
5. Marble Zone (Sonic 1)
6. Flying Battery Metal (Sonic And Knuckles)
7. Casino Night (Sonic 2)
8. Startlight (Sonic 1)
9. Scrap Brain (Sonic 1 SMS)
10. Scrap Brain (Sonic 1)
11. Metalpolis (Sonic 2)
12. Ice Cap (Sonic 3)
13. Live And Learn (Sonic Adventure)
14. MetalHog (VS Robotnik) (Sonic 1 And 2)
1. Intro (Sonic 1)
2. Greenhill (Sonic 1)
3. Emerald Hill (Sonic 2)
4. Chemical Plant (Sonic 2)
5. Marble Zone (Sonic 1)
6. Flying Battery Metal (Sonic And Knuckles)
7. Casino Night (Sonic 2)
8. Startlight (Sonic 1)
9. Scrap Brain (Sonic 1 SMS)
10. Scrap Brain (Sonic 1)
11. Metalpolis (Sonic 2)
12. Ice Cap (Sonic 3)
13. Live And Learn (Sonic Adventure)
14. MetalHog (VS Robotnik) (Sonic 1 And 2)
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